Community Events

If you would like to request a psychoeducational presentation for your school or community, please email us!

Upcoming Presentations 

If you are interested in collaborating with us please send us an email at!

Free Psychoeducational Presentations 

We have several free psychoeducational presentations we offer to local organizations. The topics for these presentations are as follows: 

Emotions Big and Small- Encouraging emotion regulation in children.

        Learning objectives

Identify our emotions big and small

 Learn healthy ways to express emotions as adults.

Explore how to teach children/teens to express themselves.

Doing Self-Care, the Right Way

         Learning objectives

Identify what self-care is and why we need it.

Learn about the different ways to engage in self-care.

Exploring what self-care at the library looks like.

What is self-care for parents?

         Learning objectives

Identify reasons why parents' mental health is important.

Learn to set boundaries for ourselves.

Explore ways to engage in daily self-care.

This is How We Inherit Trauma

         Learning objectives

Identify ways trauma or mental health problems get passed down in families.

Learn to set boundaries as a family.

Explore ways to heal our inner child.

Mental Health Problem in Adults vs Children vs Adolescents

         Learning objectives

  Identify major ways to detect mental health difficulties.

  Learn the bare basics of depression, anxiety, and neurodiversity

  Explore ways to take care of ourselves and help others.

Creating a Safe Space for Ourselves and Our Children

 Learning objectives

Identify what are the foundations of a safe space.

Learn how we can level up our communication and connection with your children.

Explore ways to improve our safe space for ourselves and our children.

Am I Neurodivergent? What does that Even Mean?

        Learning objectives

               Learn about what encompasses the term neurodivergent.

Identify ways to connect with our loved ones who are neurodivergent.

Explore ways to continue encouraging our loved ones to be themselves in a safe space.

Why are Hobbies Important for Our Mental Health?

      Learning objectives 

Learn about flow as self-care.

Identify reasons why engaging in hobbies benefits our overall mental health.

Explore ways to engage in healthy hobbies.

Things I Wished I Learned as A child 

Learning objectives

Learn about our inner child.

Identify ways to heal our inner child.

Explore ways to continue healing as adults.

Grief has many forms… 16 forms

Learning objectives

Learn about the 16 different forms of grief.

Identify reasons why we may experience grief.

Exploring ways to express our grief.

How do I know I am making progress?

Learning objectives

Learn how to set achievable goals.

Identify barriers that can prevent us from reaching our goals.

Explore ways to reach our goals.

Looking Underneath the Underneath 

Learning objectives 

Learn ways to self-reflect.

Identify what the root of our problems are.

Explore ways to continue to make progress in our lives.


       Learning objectives 

Learn the 3 components of self-compassion.

Identify ways to engage in self-compassion in our daily lives.

Explore barriers that may prevent us from engaging in self-compassion.

If you are interested in collaborating with us please email at!

Presentations at Schools

Community Events

Free YouTube Videos

Eventually, we will have a yearly mental health convention. In the meantime, we will try our best to do panels at different conventions throughout California.